The Manifesting Latina

Believe in Yourself

March 01, 2022 Norma Reyes, PhD. Season 2 Episode 39
The Manifesting Latina
Believe in Yourself
Show Notes Transcript
Welcome back everyone! This is the first Episode of Season 2!!! Episode 39 and it is all about Believing in YOURSELF!  Get a pen, a paper or journal and get ready to write. 


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Norma Reyes:

Are you feeling stuck, lost or confused about what to do next in your career? Then the manifest your career podcast is just right for you. I'm your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a career mindset coach. I help successful Latinas who are battling self doubt, self sabotage and imposter syndrome. I teach my clients how to combine their intuition, skills and knowledge so that they can manifest their dream career. It's time you start listening to your inner wisdom and guidance. tune in each week to the manifest your career podcast, and learn how to align your mindset to your career goals. Keep listening and together will manifest your dream career. Hey, guys, welcome back. This is the first episode of season two, Episode 39. Today, I will be talking all about believing in your self. But before we get started on that, let me just first thank all the listeners from season one. Thank you so much for listening. And I am glad to be back as well and hollered to all the new listeners that are getting as close to 5000 downloads before even starting season two. So thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the DMS letting me know that you love the episodes. And if you would love to give me feedback on what kind of episodes you want for this season. Send me a DM on Instagram at manifest your career. So now let's go ahead and get down to business. Today's episode is all about getting you to believe in yourself. That's the purpose of this podcast. That's my purpose in life. I want you guys to believe in yourself again. I know that things happen, life happens, you get busy. And you wake up one day and you think what the hell am I doing with my life? How did I get here? And I completely understand, you know, self doubt negative thoughts. Imposter Syndrome creeps in. It still creeps in for me and I have a PhD. I am a licensed therapist I am I work in behavioral health. I'm a clinical manager for my nine to five. And I still have those thoughts. So no, it is completely normal to have those thoughts. The real big difference is not allowing those thoughts, whatever they are, wherever they come from, to stop you. Because when you allow those thoughts to stop you, then that is when the real problem arrives, right when you stop yourself from pursuing a goal because in your mind, you've created this self doubt, these negative thoughts, the imposter syndrome, and it stops you from moving forward towards your goals. Whatever they are, then it winds it it being your ego, it being yourself doubt it being those negative thoughts, it being all of your internal struggle that is telling you that you can't do something, I have those feelings too. But I still show up because I know deep down inside that I'm a badass, right? And you might be wondering why you would even have these feelings, right? Let's say you do have your degrees you do have your accolades. You do have the experience, you do have the skills. And you might be wondering, well, why do I have self doubt? Why do I have these negative feelings? Why do I have this running through my mind when I just finished XYZ, right? For example, I have a PhD. I have clients that come to me, why would I have any self doubt? Well, it is totally natural to have self doubt. It only means that you want to do your absolute best. You want to show up 100% And you know that you can do amazing work, but a part of you is afraid. Right? It is fear it is fear that is creeping in. Part of you is afraid that you're not going to show up the way you want to to your standards. But that doesn't mean that you aren't going to or that you know even if you don't meet your standards, your personal standards that how you show up isn't going to serve who you are showing up for. So why does self doubt roll in? What's the purpose of it? It's really just your ego. It is your minds way of keeping you safe. Now, it may not make sense, right? Because you might be thinking like, well, how is this negative self talk? How is this self doubt keeping you safe? Well, it keeps you in your comfort zone, it keeps you safe by staying small. So if you're staying small, you're staying in your comfort zone, you don't have to run the risk of failing, you don't have to run the risk of getting hurt, or being rejected or not being selected for a position, right. And if you are rejected, it confirms what the ego is telling you, it confirms that you're you weren't good enough for this. You weren't enough for those career dreams that you had. But you know, every failure, every challenge is not a failure unless you quit unless you stop. Those are just trial runs, practices, you know, discovery, I know, there's been plenty of times that I have failed at different things in my life. And I have decided that okay, for example, I didn't pass two Spanish exams. I was doing bilingual education. And I took the Texas state exam for bilingual teachers. Well, turns out and fast forward to you know, I failed both I filled them like by points. And I decided to like, okay, maybe bilingual education is not for me. And, you know, looking at it, bilingual education definitely was not for me, because I wasn't doing it for personal, like, I wasn't doing it for myself, I was doing it because I felt like I needed to serve the community in this particular way. I felt like as a first gen Spanish speaker that I had to give back in a way that served my community. And in reality, like I didn't have a passion for bilingual education, I believe bilingual education is important. I believe that children and parents should have a Spanish speaker that understands them that understands their culture. And I was doing it for that purpose, right. And when you do something like that, that is being like a martyr, and you're not in this life to be a martyr, if you are doing something because it's for the greater good for the community, you're not doing yourself any good, right? It should be both, for example, me doing this podcast is something I enjoy doing. And it happens to serve the greater good, right, most of the time, if you are following your passion, you are most likely going to be serving others and you're most likely going to be impacting our community. So push, push any thoughts aside that tell you that you have to be doing something that serves your community directly for you to be of service to the community? Right, we definitely need bilingual teachers. But if my heart is not all in, you know, it's going to show. So about that tangent, I failed two exams, and I just took it as you know, maybe this isn't for me, maybe I should try something else. And I had actually been getting my Master's in Counseling, switched over to bilingual education, and then switched back to counseling. And, you know, then I got my PhD. But so with that, just as an added, just because I failed the exam, and then I talked to some bilingual ed teachers that I know. And it turns out that none of them took that test prior to teaching that they actually took it after the fact. So, you know, if you do happen to fail something, and you feel like it's your calling, just because you failed does not mean that you failed, or you should try something different. It just means that maybe that test is hard. And maybe you need to try things or study differently, right? Ask around to figure out what everyone else did to pass the test, or whatever it is, whatever challenge you're facing. Okay, so you might be wondering, well, how do you overcome these beliefs? Right, like, how do you overcome these challenges? And how do you truly begin to believe in yourself? Well, first, I want you to know that you are because I said, so. I mean, you're seriously listening to this podcast, and if you weren't already a badass, you wouldn't be listening to this podcast, you are wanting to improve yourself. And that alone makes you a badass. And I know, I know that the women that listen to this podcast are badasses. So just just one, trust me and then you know, you had to overcome a lot to get where you are right now. And it may not be where you want to be right now. But trust me, no one handed you where you are right now. No one just gave you that job. That home that anything everything that you currently have. No one gave that to you, you know you earned it. So for today, I want you to take about 10 minutes to write down your whole career journey starting from as far back as high school, or even when you had your first job. And that might have been, you know, even before high school, whatever it is, you know, and I want you to write your whole career journey, I want you to write down every single win that you had. And I want you to share it with someone, you know, be proud of yourself, because no one has handed you anything during this time. Yes, even if you had connections, yes, if someone told you about a job posting or connected you with someone, those are just connections, but no one sat in that job interview for you. No one did the actual work for you, you did that you actually had to do something to get where you are right now. So remember, just because you had supports along the way doesn't mean that you didn't have your own personal struggles. And your struggles, your challenges are completely valid, just because they weren't the same as someone else's. Just because they weren't the same as your parents does not minimize that you had your own challenges. I always tell my children, that everyone has a cross to bear, everyone has a challenge that we may not know, is there that we may not see. Because all we see is the outside, we may see their successes on the outside, but we don't know what challenges are happening on their day to day, internally, whatever may be happening, I mean, in those people's lives. So you know, my kids will obviously have an advantage. They have a mother who has a PhD, they have a father who has an associate's degree, who is working as an occupational therapy assistant who has knowledge in a variety of different things. So of course, they will have an advantage that others don't have, but they will also have their own challenges. It doesn't minimize the challenges that they have or the challenges that they will face in their lives. So start becoming your own cheerleader, pump yourself up. Keep that list handy. So when your ego pops up asking you who do you think you are to do this or to that? You can answer back? I don't think I know I'm a badass. And I'm gonna be telling mine who do I think I am? I think I'm Dr. Norma Reyes, that's who I think I am. And ain't no one that can take that away from me. I did that. Whether it was with supports or not, I did it. So remember that remember that? Tell yourself you did that. And no one can take that from you. Alright guys, thank you so so so much. I'll see you on the next one. Thank you for listening to the manifest your career podcast with me your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a career and mindset coach. Learn more today on manifest your