The Manifesting Latina

Facing a Career Crossroads

September 21, 2021 Norma Reyes, PhD. Season 1 Episode 26
The Manifesting Latina
Facing a Career Crossroads
Show Notes Transcript

Episode 26 is for anyone that feels they are at a crossroads in their career.  Being at a crossroads in your career can be frustrating.  Please know, that everyone feels this at least once in their careers. Some might feel pulled to continue in their current career path. While others feel called to start another career path. And still, some feel completely lost.  In this episode, I help you figure it all out!.


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Norma Reyes:

Welcome to the manifest your career podcast. I'm your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a Latina career and life coach. With this podcast, I help successful women learn how to combine their intuition and logic so that they can manifest their dream career. By listening to my podcast, you'll learn how to go from feeling stuck and lost on what to do next to having the clarity, motivation and strategies to manifest the career of your dreams. Each episode, I'll teach you the skills, strategies and mindset you need girl to get in alignment with your career goals. Now, let's go ahead and get started. Hey, everyone, welcome back. This is Episode 26. If you are any career crossroads, are just not sure what to do next in your career, this episode is for you. And I will be having an action item for you to do today. All right, so being at a crossroads in your career can feel so frustrating, I can totally understand that. I remember starting my Ph. D. program, this was in 2014. And just really excited about starting a new thing for me or a PhD, I had been wanting to have my PhD, ever since I could ever remember having the idea to go to college. And so I was excited, I saw it as an opportunity for me to be able to move into higher education. But that did not happen at all. And reflecting back there's a million reasons why it didn't happen. But also, you know, I spent two years of diligently spending energy on applying to jobs, only to find myself not really getting anywhere or getting stuck, you know, I'd get interviews I'd hear you know, we're really interested in you. And then nothing, right. So I completely understand the frustration of feeling like you're just spinning your wheels, you don't know which direction to go to, because you keep applying to jobs that you feel totally qualified for. And then nothing. So I say all of that to just like, you know, everyone feels this at least once in their career, you know, some might feel pulled to continue in your current direction, you know, you may feel like, okay, I want to continue in my current career path. But I don't know what step is actually next for me, I want more. And while other people might just start feeling like they need to go in a whole different direction. And that really was what was for me, I felt like I didn't want to be in behavioral health anymore. I wanted to move into higher education and kind of just have a little bit of a shift. So at the time, I was working for what's called a local mental health authority, as a behavioral health case manager, and two, I would go and work with individuals one on one in regards to the behavioral health and doing a lot of skills training in that. And I really wanted to shift into higher education working with students being first gen, I just had this poll to do that those doors didn't open up for me. And I won't say that it's because it wasn't completely not meant for me or that I won't ever do that. I feel that there was opportunities there that I didn't take advantage of completely. And then there's other things that would come up, a lot of the advice that I would get was, you know, will apply for entry level positions at this point, I'm a mid level in my career, I was the sole bread winner and so to take a half pay cut would have been just impossible. I can't do that. And how could I devalue myself that way, I completely refused to do that. And I thought it was terrible advice that I would never give anyone to take half what you're currently making and I was already feeling underpaid. In behavioral health. We definitely get underpaid. And so I was already not making my worth into then going to a job that was going to pay me half of that, which I think it's about the time was about 25,000 I was like No, I can't do that. And I can't spend another five years trying to work my way up. That's not the way I want to do it. And, you know, maybe that's one reason the doors didn't open up but I really don't think that was it. I think There's other things, but I don't want to take over this episode with all of that. And so for two years, I struggled. And I mentioned this before the day that I decided to just close that chapter and just see what comes right, I had just finished getting my full license as a therapist in I was okay, well, I know that I can get a full license a job where I don't know what we'll see. And then had the whole, you know, three recruiters calling me telling me to apply to this position that helped me get in, etc. That's a whole other story. And yeah, there was big shifts, I got like a $15,000 raise. And then at six months later, I had the opportunity to then apply for a job. And then nine months, 10 months later, I was promoted to a clinical manager, you know, things that I could not have predicted at the time. But there was a lot of letting go and being more in the flow, and really just taking a reevaluation of what it is that I wanted, and also not being so stuck and fixated on one particular route. For me, at the time that I spent two years, I didn't ask for any help. I didn't go out there and tell anybody that I was looking for a job, I was kind of like ashamed of it. And so you know, you you spend this time and you the further along that you are in your job search that you're not growing, that you're not moving forward, you just begin to feel terrible. And all that to tell you that that's okay too. But as for help tell people you're applying for jobs. And if you're feeling like you can't tell anyone, because it's going to get back to your employer, reevaluate that, like really, that is not a healthy situation for you, you should be free to speak your mind your thoughts, what you need, what you don't need to everyone around you. And if you don't feel comfortable in that, and that's a whole other thing. So really reflect on it, don't spend energy, you know, continuing to knock on a door that's not opening and then feeling terrible. But then also not doing any self reflection, which I will say I don't think I did any self reflection for those two years, I was starting my PhD program working full time, I didn't have that, I won't say I didn't have that time, I just didn't have it in my mind to reflect on why things weren't working out. It was just more of like it's going to work out, but not really putting any steps down together to make it work out. So if you have been feeling at a career crossroads, I asked you to take a pause and figure it out, don't just run towards a new job opportunity that you're not sure about. Don't just, you know, scrap everything that you've been doing all this time, but really reflect on what is calling your attention. So if I reflect back on that moment in time, I think what was really calling my attention was, what is it that I want long term because I just wanted out from my current position, and higher education looked promising to me. I'm not saying that it was or isn't that really not the point here? The point is that I was seeing it as an escape from my current position instead of an opportunity. And if you are looking at jobs as a way out of your current one, that might be why you're not moving forward. Right? It might the universe might be saying like, no, I need you to grow first see, reflect? What are you doing? What do you need to do to be able to grow in your career as well? So here's some questions to help you get thinking, do you feel called to have a change in your career? You know, what is bringing this change? Is it external? Is it internal? And I mentioned this like, for me, I know for sure with those two years, I was trying to run away from my past employer, the position that I was in, I just didn't feel aligned with it anymore. But I didn't take any time to reflect on that at that those two years, right? It wasn't until I was like, Okay, let me just see where things go. I'm going to relax, I'm not going to be fixated on running away. Let me see what opportunities I can develop within the company I'm in and then you know, bam, things just gonna unfold it on their own. And so really reflecting is the only way that will help you get there faster, right? So take a pause to figure it out. And journal journal journal journal. I can't say it enough. I will probably say it in every single episode that I possibly can say it in bullet journal, do some self reflection because that will help you get the result that you are wanting faster than anything else. So again, reflect on what's calling your attention. What is the feeling that you're feeling? Do you need a career change? What is bringing the change? What is pushing you Is it something internal? Is it your Intuition is that something external? Do you feel pressures from something outside of you that you can't actually verbalize quite yet. And if you're finding that, that you're like, Why don't know, sit in some stillness, do a meditation, have an episode that's about career clarity, you know, to that. And when you're doing it, don't feel like your mind has to stop thinking, or what we think of meditation is a complete silence. But it is not that what it really is meant for is just slowing down so that your mind can have a moment to process. You know, we live in a society where social media and all types of other media are constantly going, you know, I have the computer screen in front of me, I have an Alexa next to me, my phone, you know, all of these things are calling our attention. And so we actually need to remove ourselves and just close our eyes and pause. So our brain can actually process and do some work and allow our internal system, our internal guidance, our higher self, to be able to give us some clarity on what is going on. But if we don't take a moment to pause, then we are not going to get anywhere, right. It is all about the pause life and intuition can get to you if you just take that moment. So again, journal pawns self reflect. Thank you for listening, guys. I look forward to hearing from you and if you have not left me a review on Apple podcast, please do so and send me a screenshot and I have a special something that I'll reveal once you send it over and you could just send me a DM at manifest your career via Instagram. Have a great rest of your day guys. Thank you for listening to the manifest in your career podcast with me, your host Dr. Norma Reyes a Latina career and life coach.