The Manifesting Latina

How Do You Want to Change the World?

October 26, 2021 Season 1 Episode 31
The Manifesting Latina
How Do You Want to Change the World?
Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, I ask you, how do you want to change the world?  We all have this inner calling to change the world in our own way.  I want to change how people view careers. I want people to know that there isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to build your career. I want people to feel empowered to follow their own career paths.

In this episode, I also share about my own career journey. And more about my why for my podcast and business.  My why, is to use my love of introspection and spiritual growth to encourage you to believe in yourself again. In your big career dreams.  And inspire you to take action, to manifest the career of your dreams.


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Norma Reyes:

Welcome to the manifest your career podcast. I'm your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a Latina career and life coach. With this podcast, I help successful women learn how to combine their intuition and logic so that they can manifest their dream career. By listening to my podcast, you'll learn how to go from feeling stuck and lost on what to do next, to having the clarity the motivation and strategies to manifest the career of your dreams. Each episode, I'll teach you the skills, strategies and mindset you need girl to get in alignment with your career goals. Now, let's go ahead and get started. Hey, guys, welcome back. This is episode 31. And today, I am asking you, How do you want to change the world? I truly want to hear it. I want to know how do you want to change the world. I know that deep inside of us, we have our own thing, our own way that we want to change the world that we want to leave it a better place. Right. And so for myself, I know that I want to change how people view careers potential aspirations, I want people to know that there isn't a right or wrong way to build your career, there's not this secret formula that you somehow don't know. You just build it as you go. And I want people to feel empowered to trust their intuition, that feminine energy that we all have, that we've all silenced, and we've shoved into Logic, right, and there's nothing wrong with masculine energy, because we need that we can't just go based on our feelings, we actually have to take action, and that's where masculine energy comes in masculine energy is that go get them the, I'm going to persist till I get my goal done kind of energy. And if you're that type of person that leads with that you may burn yourself out because you're pushing too hard on something that your gut was telling you was the wrong direction. Right? So it's really a fine balance of doing both right having both you following your intuition, despite what anybody else is telling you, despite what logic is saying. And then using that masculine energy, right, that logic to plan your next steps out to do the action. So I'm going to ask you guys again, how do you want to change the world? And please let me know send me a DM on Instagram, you can find me at at manifest your career. And let me know. So I'm going to give you guys a little bit more background, why helping people in their careers is truly important to me. So for me, I would say I had a lot of support and role models growing up. And not because there wasn't people there. There's just this pattern that I discovered. That happened to me. And I guess I'd never really noticed it. And I don't want to say it just happened to me, but that I kept running into. So growing up my earliest career role models were from books, and books, like when I was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda, Santiago, and books by Julia Alvarez, one of her most famous books is in the time of butterflies, if you haven't read those, I highly recommend reading them great books. And so when I read the books, those really inspired me, right. And they really motivated me to know that I could overcome my current circumstances, right, which weren't, you know, I was in poverty. I was, you know, living in a home that maybe wasn't so loving, and really just, you know, low income. And so as I got older, I found that I had a lot of role models or people who I wanted to be my role model, who I felt for whatever reason, didn't like me, right. And so because of that, I felt like I didn't connect with people and looking back, I just didn't know how to connect with people because the people in my life did not connect with me. And so of course, I didn't know how to connect with people. I didn't know how to navigate the space of wanting a mentor and asking to have a mentor. I never had the courage to ask anyone to be my mentor. And I really just wanted people to notice me, without me being the one to finish sheet the connection, right or it somehow I wanted people to be a mind reader, right. So that is something that I didn't know then that I had to work through. And over time, I realized, okay, this is something that happens to us, for people that grew up like me, for people that look like me. But we just don't have any words for it. We don't even have words for it at the time. And maybe even as adults, we don't have the words for it. Right. And if you're not doing that inner work to really kind of dig deep, you're really not even going to know what is blocking you. What is stopping you from, you know, taking those steps forward, or asking for help. So again, you know, before graduating, I hadn't really put any effort into what I wanted to do next part of the situation was that I was dating someone, and the plan was, I was just going to go, you know, be with them, because they were gonna join the military, and we were gonna go live wherever he was stationed. And, you know, that's not a plan that I'm really happy about. But that's what was going on, right, I allowed that situation, that circumstance to pretty much allow me to just be like, Well, I'm just going to take a temp job, I'm not going to actually try to find a job that I can have and build a career on. Because I'm just going to move right like that was my thought process, even though I will say I was pretty sure that relationship was not going to last. But you know, we refuse to see something for what it is at the time, because it's just easier to be like, Wow, just, you know, I just do this. So my first job after college was a temp job. And I was making $10 an hour. And so I actually was working with an old high school classmate who was like a year ahead of me, and she was currently still finishing on her degree. I don't know her whole situation. But the temp job was working for ETS, which is the testing education services company. And I was doing some very oh my gosh, I can't even describe it. But it's paper pushing work. Where was formatting stuff, it was most boring thing in the world, guys. Anyway, she got the job. Like I said, it was just a temp job. And you probably just needed a high school degree for it. And her comment to me was pretty much just telling me that my degree was worthless, because I didn't have any work experience. Now she didn't know my circumstance to know that I hadn't really like put in the effort to look for a job. But it was really like a slap in the face and reality of like, while you're in the same boat as I am, even though you went and got a degree. And here you are. So and it wasn't even that I didn't have any experience. Because I did, I just didn't put in the effort. I just didn't come up with a plan. I just kept allowing my inability to know what to do next, to keep me there. And I didn't ask for any help. I continued the trend of not asking for help and just wanting things to fall in my lap. And you know, when you're excelling in the education system, right, because you can do married, you can take tasks, you can study and you can do these things, you kind of get used to people noticing your efforts. But in the career field, that's not how it works. It doesn't matter how good you are at something, things are not just going to land at your feet, it may look like things landed your feet at some people who are successful at navigating the career. But that's not how it works, you have to have some sort of initiative. So you know, from there, as I went on, things sort of worked out, right, like I would sort of put an effort and I would sort of get these opportunities that came to me that were valuable, and I completely had a lot of growth in the different jobs that I had. So further on. I was working at a community center I was working with at risk youth helping them complete their duties and planning their future. There is where I remembered my passion for wanting to help people navigate their careers, their you know, supporting them, showing them empowering them to believe in themselves. Because there I remembered there are so many people like me, who are for my community who have no one, no one believing in them, no one thinking they can do any better. And so to be that person to inspire them to believe in themselves, was just what I needed to remind me of what I wanted to do with myself. And so from there I pursued a Master's in Counseling if some life events happened during that time, but I definitely got distracted. I like to call this the hustle and bustle mode when We just get too deep into what we're doing. You know, everyday life is taken over that we don't actually take any moments to pause and be like, Okay, where am I actually headed. And because of that my career has gone into behavioral health. And it really took me away from the other side that I wanted. Now I have tried to pursue career counseling and career coaching in higher education and those types of fields. And those haven't panned out as well as I would have liked. But I do feel that there's a reason there's always a reason for why things don't work out the way you want them to. And a lot of it had to do with this, right? If I hadn't had those experiences that didn't go well, that just felt through and made me feel like, gosh, I don't know what the heck I'm doing, I wouldn't have realized that, gosh, I really don't know what the hell I'm doing. And I wouldn't be here with this podcast, or at least not in the same way to tell you that it's okay, if you have no idea what the hell you're doing. But you do need to wake up and do something a little bit different, right, because things are not gonna fall in your lap, things are not going to go the way you want them if you keep doing them the same way. Or you can get different results if you're doing the same thing. So I'm gonna go ahead and continue on what I like to call the hustle and bustle mode. As I mentioned, the hustle and bustle mode is when you're just in life, you know, you wake up, you go to work, you sleep, and you repeat, right? And you repeats and repeats and repeats until like, you finally decide like, God is this is this it is this all there is to life, and you really just feel like a cog in this system. You know, and if you're feeling like that, right now, just remember that there's a bigger picture, and maybe you're meant to be in this mode. Right? For myself, I definitely was in that mode. When I was in the middle of my PhD program, you got married, had baby boy number one, continue to work, you know, full time continue to do my PhD. And then I had other things that I was doing at the time, too, you know, I would be training for a marathon or I would be doing a bodybuilding competition, you know, all these things that fill our lives, that when we get in this cycle of wakeup work and sleep, we begin to feel redundant, which is okay, right, because I needed to just keep going so that I could finish my PhD program, I needed to keep going so that I could finish these other goals, right, these fitness goals that I had. And then, of course, at the end of my PhD program, I knew I wanted to do something, but I really didn't know what exactly I wanted to do with myself. But, you know, that's kind of where like, the wake up call happened. And it didn't happen before. Because I wasn't ready for it. I wasn't ready for it in for a variety of reasons, reasons I might not even know. So it's just to remind you, if you're in the hustle and bustle mode, just be able to recognize that you're there. And be like, Well, I'm here, what is it that I need to continue to persist doing, and it's okay to be here. Now, when you have accomplished whatever goal that you've been working on, which might be completing a degree, it might be getting a certain role in a company, whatever it is, it may not even be work related. It may just be doing a fitness competition or training for a marathon. You know, those things take a lot of time and energy mental space that we don't account for when we're reflecting back at our success in regard to our career. But our life is more than just our career success, we have success in so many different ways. So, for myself, I knew that the hustle and bustle mode was okay for me at the time. I I know when I get in these modes, that it's okay. And then as I kept getting nose on my career growth towards higher education, and I really wanted to I just allowed things to go and unfold the way they did. And if you've heard this part of my story, you know what happens? I went into deeper into the behavioral health world than I thought I would write if I had planned my career out, I would have gone a different direction. But there's plans for me elsewhere. And then there's other growth that I've had since then, that has put me here where I am now. Which is, you know, working on building my business so that I can give back right I couldn't help people that were feeling stuck and lost on what to do next in their career if I didn't continuously feel like I was lost and had no idea what to do in my career. You know, and I'm here to help you guys get out of that so that you can Finally, do what you want to do. What you feel that, you know, is your piece here in this world. And I don't mean that you need to go start a business because building a business is not easy. But you know, not impossible. So that's you, please, I'm not trying to dissuade you there. I just want people to hear this and think like, oh, you know, I feel like I have to make my own business to be able to be happy and to be able to do what I want to do. No, you know, I truly believe that there is corporate careers, Nonprofit Careers, that are just as fulfilling as starting your own business, you just have to figure it out what it is for you, right, what exactly it is that you want to do? How do you want to contribute to change in this world? And you have to do that by sitting down and doing some self reflection. And you guys know, I was talking about the career guide, I always talk about journaling. So you know, get that Career Clarity guide, and walk the steps through it in may seem really basic. And you know, you might look at it and be like, Well, how is this going to help? Take the time to journal on it, come back to it and journal that some more the more processing you do, the more clarity you can get? The biggest part is Step five. If we you know, don't you can do all the all the journaling. But if you don't do that masculine energy of taking action, you're not going to get the results you want. You're not going to have something fall on your lap. As much as I wish we all could have an easy way won't. Because we all have lessons we need to learn right? I have plenty of lessons I need to learn throughout my career. I'm sure I still have plenty of lessons to continue to learn throughout my life and business growth in my career. So guys, I'm gonna go ahead and ended here and remind you and ask you, how do you want to change the world? I want to hear all about it. Send me a DM please. And I'll talk to you guys later. Thank you for listening to the manifest in your career podcast with me your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a Latina career and life coach Are you ready to take action today? Visit my site manifest your and get your free confidence through clarity guide