The Manifesting Latina

Forgiveness & Your Career

Norma Reyes, PhD. Season 1 Episode 34

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Today, I am going to talk about Forgiveness.  When we think of our careers, our career development, or growth. We really don’t think about Forgiveness.  Yet forgiveness is so key and essential to keep balance in our lives.

Forgiveness isn’t for the other person or event that occurred but for ourselves.  When we don’t practice forgiveness regularly, we are holding on to the past.  To those emotions, the guilt, the pain, the anger, whatever you are feeling and that continues to build up and becomes resentment, feeling numb or depression.

Listen to today's episode to learn about forgiveness and how to add it to your routine.

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Norma Reyes:

Welcome to the manifest your career podcast. I'm your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a Latina career and life coach. With this podcast I help successful women learn how to combine their intuition and logic so that they can manifest their dream career. By listening to my podcast, you'll learn how to go from feeling stuck and lost on what to do next to having the clarity, motivation and strategies to manifest the career of your dreams. Each episode, I'll teach you the skills, strategies and mindset you need girl to get in alignment with your career goals. Now, let's go ahead and get started. Hey, guys, welcome back. This is episode 34. And I'm super excited about this one, because I don't know that anyone has ever talked about this in regards to careers. So I will be talking to you guys about forgiveness and your career. And I just doesn't gives a disclaimer guys, my voice is still a little crackly from being sick a couple of weeks ago. So please forgive me for that. Alright, so let's get started on talking about forgiveness. When we think about our careers, our career development or growth, we really don't think about forgiveness, yet. Forgiveness is so key and essential to keeping balance in our lives. Right. If we don't have forgiveness, then we are holding on to a lot. And if you're like most people, you don't have a forgiveness practice. And that's okay. You know, because we're not taught that no one is really taught that in this you are in a home that had that regularly practice. And this might actually look a little different for some people, some people may have a forgiveness routine, like maybe like prayer, that's the closest, but most of you don't have one in regards to your career, but I got you. So something to know is that forgiveness isn't for the other person or the event or to excuse another person, it is for ourselves, so that we can release that pent up emotion so that we can release what is holding us back. Because when we don't practice forgiveness regularly, we are holding on to the past, to those emotions, the guilt, the pain, the anger, resentment, whatever you are feeling, and that continues to build up. And it becomes resentment, feelings of numbness, or depression. As a therapist, I see many of my clients coming to me feeling depressed, having strong feelings of resentment, and not really sure how to move forward. So in seeing that in my clients, and now working with clients, as a career coach, I know the importance that it is to start having a forgiveness practice. I see how it's also so important for our career development, that we take the time to practice forgiveness, in the workplace, in our career, in our decisions. So for today, I will be guiding you through a forgiveness practice to help you let go of the pain, guilt, anger or resentment that you might be feeling around your career growth, development or goals. So that you can finally move forward and reach your career dreams and reach your career goals. Because you're not listening to this podcast because you just want to stay where you are. You're listening to this podcast because you want to make a change in your life, a change in your career. So go grab a pen, go grab a piece of paper, a journal or simply close your eyes and process the questions with your mind's eye and get ready to dig deep and start doing some forgiveness work. So the first thing I want you to think about is forgiveness for a career decision that you have made. So this could be selecting a degree, because others told you to going into a field for the wrong reasons, or any other career decision that you've made in the past, that you haven't forgiven yourself for. So take a moment, think about it, and write the first thing that comes to mind. How do you feel about this career decision? What emotions are coming up for you? How do you think this career decision is currently holding you back? Now, I want you to think about this with kindness, and love, take a nice deep breath, and say, I forgive myself for this career decision. I forgive myself for this career decision. I was doing the best I could, with what I knew then. I was doing the best I could, with what I knew then. Moving forward, I will choose better. Moving forward, I will choose better. I will choose what's right for me. I will choose what's right for me. And the next forgiveness that we're going to focus on, is forgiveness for feeling stagnant or stuck in your career. Are you upset that you're not further along in your career? Are you frustrated that you don't know what to do next in your career? Whatever it is, write it down. Write down what emotions come up. And then I want you to think about how these emotions these feelings are currently holding you back from the career growth you want. Again, with kindness and love, take a nice deep breath in and say, I forgive myself for these emotions. I was doing the best I could with what I knew then. Moving forward, I will choose better. I will choose what's right for me. And now I want you to focus on forgiveness for an interaction at work. Was it a promotion you are passed up for? Are you constantly finding yourself gossiping? Are you resentful for some reason? Whatever it is, write it down. Bring it to the top of mine. And how did you feel when this happens? How do you feel when you engage in that activity? Go ahead and write them down now take a moment to think about how these interactions are currently holding you back from the career growth you want. Take a nice deep breath in and with kindness and love. Say I forgive myself for these interactions at work. I forgive myself for these interactions at work. I was doing the best I could with what I knew then. I was doing the best I could with what I knew them. Moving forward, I will choose better Moving forward, I will choose better. I will choose what's right for me. I will choose what's right for me now, I want you to practice forgiveness for in action. Have you been contemplating taking action, but have been too afraid to do anything? Afraid what others might say? procrastinating, ignoring your inner guidance or resisting some other type of change in your career. Take a moment to think about that. Write down what comes to mind now, how do you feel when you feel stuck? Stuck in being able to move forward not taking action? What does that feel like? What is your inaction currently holding you back from in your career, go ahead and write that down. Again, with kindness and love, take a nice deep breath in release and say, I forgive myself for inaction. I was doing the best I could with what I knew then. Moving forward, I will choose better I will choose what's right for me. Now go ahead and take in one nice big breath. Hold it for a few seconds, and let it go. One more time, a nice deep breath in. And let go. I'm so proud of you for listening up to here. It takes a lot to do this type of work. And most people are not willing to do this work. But you are here you are in the right place because you are willing to do the work. And remember, this is work. This is a lot. So the rest of the day, Pete gentle with yourself, you just processed so many emotions, you are releasing these emotions. And these will help you see more clearly, by releasing this stagnant energy, you will be able to see more clearly have more clarity. And that will help you to move forward. So this is a forgiveness practice that I recommend doing regularly. I wouldn't recommend it every day because it would be quite a bit. But when you get started, I would say at least once a week because we all have a lot that builds up. And if you've never had a forgiveness routine or practice, then doing it regularly will really help you then find a routine that works for you. You know, Is it monthly? Is it every few months is it whenever you feel a stuck energy, your chest, your heart wherever you feel it in your body. Remember that personal growth and development is on going. We'll need to continue doing this work because either will dig up more that needs to be processed and forgiven. And let's face it, we're human who will do something that we're not proud of. But that's okay. No one. Absolutely no one is perfect. And no one is always doing the right thing. So be patient with yourself and know that you are doing the best you can with what you know right now. Alright guys, I'm going to go ahead and end this sending new love and light. Have a great day. Thank you for listening to the manifest your career podcast with me, your host Dr. Norma Reyes, a Latina career and life coach

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