The Manifesting Latina
Are you ready to unlock the incredible power of manifestation and connect deeply with your spirituality?
Welcome to The Manifesting Latina Podcast, your guide to manifesting a life filled with purpose, abundance, and inner wisdom. I'm your host, Dr. Norma Reyes, and I'm here to help you tap into your inner manifesting magician.
Join me on this journey as we explore the art of manifestation, spirituality, and personal growth. Together, we'll dive into practical techniques, intuitive insights, and the magic of aligning with your deepest desires.
No more feeling stuck or disconnected. It's time to awaken your inner manifestor, embrace your spirituality, and create a life that truly resonates with your soul. Tune in each week to The Manifesting Latina Podcast and let's manifest the life you've always dreamed of.
Host: Norma Reyes, PhD
Podcast Editor: Emely Torres
The Manifesting Latina
Unlocking Manifestation: The Three Keys to Aligning with Your Higher Self
What if you could awaken your inner manifester and truly connect with your higher self to achieve your deepest desires? Today on the Manifesting Latina podcast, Dr. Norma Reyes reveals the three essential keys to successful manifestation: self-belief, desire, and vibration. Dr. Reyes explains why creating a manifestation routine is vital for aligning with your spiritual self, whether you connect with God, the universe, or your inner wisdom. Get ready to explore the power of a consistent spiritual practice that can help you magnetize your dream life.
Join Dr. Reyes as she shares personal stories and practical advice to help you understand how self-belief forms the bedrock of your manifestation journey. Discover why believing that your dreams are not only possible but specifically possible for you is crucial. Learn how desire fuels your manifestation and how vibration ties everything together. Don't miss this insightful mini-episode and remember to sign up for the Manifestation 101 webinar for a deeper dive into these transformative concepts. Tune in and start manifesting the life that resonates with your soul!
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Welcome to the Manifesting Latina podcast, where you'll learn to unlock your incredible power of manifestation and connect deeply with yourself. I'm Dr Norma Reyes, your guide and host, helping you manifest a life filled with purpose, abundance and inner wisdom. Together, we'll dive into the art of manifestation, practical techniques, personal growth and the magic of aligning with your deepest desires. No more feeling stuck or disconnected. It's time to awaken your inner manifester, embrace your spirituality and create a life that truly resonates with your soul. Your spirituality, and create a life that truly resonates with your soul. Tune in each week to the Manifesting Latina podcast and begin to manifest your dream life. Hey everyone, welcome back. Today. I have a mini episode for you. Before I get started on this mini episode, I just want to take some time to invite you to my Manifestation 101 webinar, where actually, I will be diving deeper on the topic of this mini episode. So the mini episode is going to be about the three keys that you need to manifest everything that you desire Very simple, and I will also be talking about creating your own manifestation routine. So if you don't have a routine, or even a daily routine, but if you don't have a manifesting routine, it's going to take you longer to manifest what you desire, because a routine, and specifically a manifestation routine, is going to remind you about what you're trying to manifest, but, most importantly, it's going to connect you to your higher self. And this higher self that you are connecting with is either God source, the universe, or yourself. Right, that higher version of you, your soul, whatever it is that you believe in. It's going to create a connection for you, to keep you going, and having this routine will begin a spiritual practice for you. So most people may not think manifestation and spiritual practices go hand in hand, but they do, because when you are connecting with your higher self, you are connecting with your spiritual self, whether it's God, universe, yourself, your angels, your ancestors. You are connecting with something outside of you to help you reach those goals that you're desiring. So that is what the webinar is about. If you haven't signed up, there's going to be a link in the show notes, so make sure that you're desiring. So that is what the webinar is about. If you haven't signed up, there's going to be a link in the show notes, so make sure that you do that.
Speaker 1:And now to today's episode, which is just about the three key things. You need three simple ingredients that you need to manifest everything you desire, and I've talked about these before, but I wanted to touch on them again and see what kind of refresh comes from this. So the three key things that you need is self-belief, desire and vibration. Self-belief, desire and vibration I really focus on the first two because vibration is really, once you kind of figure out the first two, you kind of just it, kind of just rose with it. But I will touch on it so you can understand what I mean by that.
Speaker 1:I teach my clients this self-belief, desire, vibration. It's a little triangle and so if you think of a triangle, self-belief and desire are the bottom two foundation of the triangle, and then the top is the vibration. So self-belief is so important because you have to actually believe in the thing that you are manifesting, or whatever you're trying to manifest, that it can be yours. So you have to believe. So, for example, if I want to be a millionaire, which I do I have to believe that it is possible for me to be a millionaire. That's one belief. The next belief I have to believe that it's possible, specifically for me, and that's where it can get tricky. I mean, you may believe that it's possible for things to exist. It's possible for someone else to be a millionaire, it's possible for even your partner to be a millionaire, but you may not think that it's possible for yourself, and that's when you kind of start digging on those beliefs. So, so it's been a while that I've been saying that I want to be a millionaire.
Speaker 1:I listened to millionaire affirmations, affirmations that say I can be a billionaire, I am a millionaire. I said billionaire on that one. Apparently, I'm upgrading now and so the more that you plant those seeds, the broader right. That's what affirmations are for. But you also have to uproot the beliefs that say you cannot. So I currently do not have beliefs that tell me I cannot be a millionaire.
Speaker 1:Then you kind of got to see, right, well, how am I going to become a millionaire? What are those thoughts that I'm having? I'm not going to dive into that because I'm trying to keep this into being a mini episode, but the way that you know that you don't believe something. So, for example, something that feels out of reach for me, would be like signing 10 clients this month. So I'm thinking, I'm trying to see if I can feel it anywhere. I signed 10 clients this month, 10 coaching clients. So for those of you that don't know, I am also a therapist and so 10 clients in a month actually doesn't feel like anything because I am defaulting to thinking counseling clients so that's another thing. Right, I closed my eyes to do this, and you can close your eyes to do it too and kind of be like, okay, where am I? And it's just talking to yourself and asking yourself some questions and seeing where you are in it. So my mind is defaulting that, yeah, 10 clients. I've done that already in counseling, but I haven't done 10 clients in one month for coaching. So that's my work to do, to kind of be like, okay, why did I automatically default to counseling?
Speaker 1:Next is desire. And actually that's perfect. I do not desire to have 10 coaching clients at once this particular month. In the future I would love to, and that may be why my mind kind of took me somewhere else. So one is self-belief. Two is desire. You have to have a desire for it, so it cannot come from an external source, it cannot come from outside of you, no matter how much someone wants something for you or how much pressure you feel to create this thing. Of course I do feel pressure. I do feel pressure to have 10 coaching clients versus 10 counseling clients, but that is not going to create a desire within me to actually want that Until I'm actually ready for it. There will be one day that I assign 10 clients in a month and actually just saying that there will be one day. I am excited for that one day, but currently, in my current reality, it is not a desire.
Speaker 1:And so then you have to ask yourself if you're not feeling lit up by what you are wanting to manifest. It's like do I really desire this? Is there a part of me that doesn't feel safe to desire this? Is there a part of me that feels like this desire is not my own? So you have to know is that a desire of yours or not? And it's very simple to know whether it's not or not, because when it is a desire for you, you will feel lit up by it.
Speaker 1:Now you might have the desire to have financial stability and be like of course I want financial stability, but there's a part of you if you aren't able to feel joyful about that, there might be a part of you that's like what does that mean for me? Does that mean I have to work harder. Does that mean I have to give up time freedom? Does that mean that I have to let go of some luxuries? Try to navigate what is going on there, whatever your desire is, and see, like, okay, what about it? I know that is something I want, but I'm not connected to that desire.
Speaker 1:Financial stability is probably something that everybody wants but not everybody has. And if you don't have it, then ask yourself okay, what is going on? What is the hindrance? What does financial stability mean? That feels scary for me. Does it mean that I need to help pay everyone else's bills? Does that mean that I'm afraid I'm going to have resentment because everyone comes to me, whatever it is that's coming up for you journal on that? And once you start to uproot that and remind yourself that you are safe, that just because you have financial stability doesn't mean that you have to go help anybody. It doesn't mean that you have to change who you are, take a breath and remind yourself that you are safe and that it is okay to desire financial stability and it is okay to be excited and of course I'm using financial stability as an example but use your desire, what you're wanting, to manifest, and see where you're landing on it, all right.
Speaker 1:So if you have self-belief that you can have something that you're desiring and you're connected to your desire and your desire feels good in you and you feel excited for it, then vibration comes next. So what that means is that you have to be in alignment with what you are desiring. So, even if you believe in yourself and even if you have a strong desire, you have to take action Now. This action may or may not be actually doing something. Sometimes it's actually just waiting to receive the thing, but you have to know what it is that you need. I myself, I default on doing. I default on being a problem solver, always being in action. So if I'm doing all of the things and I have a strong desire and I know that I believe in myself and I'm not manifesting what I desire, that means that I need to take a step back and rest. I need to take back and you know conduct with my higher self step into my manifesting routines to be able to ground myself and remind myself and connect with my higher self. So that's what vibration means Taking aligned action. Of course, you need self-belief and desire and the aligned action will come Now. If you are struggling there.
Speaker 1:I invite you to come to my manifestation webinar where you can ask me questions about these three. I'm going to leave it here because, remember, this is supposed to be a mini episode. Re-listen to this episode a few times till you really feel solid on each of these three key principles to manifesting everything you desire. The more that you understand them, the more that you can manipulate them, meaning, work through them and be able to manifest everything you desire. All right, everyone. I will see you on the next episode or the webinar, so make sure that you are signing up. The link is in the show notes. Thank you for listening to the Manifesting Latina podcast. Did you love today's episode? Please help us grow by leaving a review, sharing with a friend or on your social media. Let's spread the abundance and fun of manifesting. Thank you.