The Manifesting Latina
Are you ready to unlock the incredible power of manifestation and connect deeply with your spirituality?
Welcome to The Manifesting Latina Podcast, your guide to manifesting a life filled with purpose, abundance, and inner wisdom. I'm your host, Dr. Norma Reyes, and I'm here to help you tap into your inner manifesting magician.
Join me on this journey as we explore the art of manifestation, spirituality, and personal growth. Together, we'll dive into practical techniques, intuitive insights, and the magic of aligning with your deepest desires.
No more feeling stuck or disconnected. It's time to awaken your inner manifestor, embrace your spirituality, and create a life that truly resonates with your soul. Tune in each week to The Manifesting Latina Podcast and let's manifest the life you've always dreamed of.
Host: Norma Reyes, PhD
Podcast Editor: Emely Torres
The Manifesting Latina
From Guilt to Growth: Manifest Your Dreams
This episode dives deep into shifting the mindset around abundance, dismantling the belief that wanting more is selfish. Dr. Norma Reyes teaches listeners that abundance is limitless and emphasizes how your success can uplift others while providing practical tips for manifesting your dreams.
• Exploring the misconception that abundance is selfish
• Understanding the limitless nature of the universe
• Affirming feelings and releasing guilt
• Visualizing the ripple effect of personal abundance
• Reframing thoughts on worthiness and desire
• Highlighting the importance of taking inspired action
• Year-end reflection questions for setting intentions
• Emphasizing the connection between individual and community success
If this episode resonated with you, share it with a friend, leave a review, let me know on Instagram. I'd love to hear what abundance means to you. Until the next season, I am sending you all the love and light and abundance you deserve. Have a beautiful end to your year and remember you are worthy of it all.
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Hey everyone, welcome back to the Manifesting Latino podcast. I'm your host, dr Norma Reyes, and today we are diving into a topic that I know so many of us struggle with, and this is a quiet but persistent belief that wanting more in your life somehow makes us feel selfish or that our abundance might take away from someone else. So if you're hesitant to dream bigger, pursue your dreams or even just manifest abundance because you feel guilty, this episode is for you. And if you have been working on manifesting something into your life and it just feels like it's just out of reach, you're going to want to listen to this episode, because you know that you are meant to have this thing, but there's just something that is keeping you from it, and I'm really here to help you uncover that and really give you some tips to be able to unblock these subconscious beliefs that are keeping you from manifesting your dream life. So here's the truth your abundance does not take away from anyone else's, no matter what. You know, we have been programmed to think that everything is limited, and we are put into this lack mindset from very little I don't be wasteful, and all of these different things and all of these different factors. And if we should not be wasteful, then that means that there's limited resources and, of course, in our communities there is limited resources in our communities, but not in the world around us at whole right. There's a whole energy out there that is available to us too, but we have been told that we can't access that, that it's not for us, and so that's why really working to shift your belief about abundance is really going to help you be able to manifest more of what you are wanting into your life. So, again, your abundance does not take away from anyone else and, in fact, when you receive more, you have more to give more time, more resources, more energy, more joy to pour into the people that you love or causes that matter the most to you. So in today's episode, I'll be sharing some powerful tips to shift your mindset, release any guilt that you might have and step fully into the abundant life you deserve. I'll also be sharing some end of the year reflection questions, since this will be the closing out episode for the year, so get ready to have some gratitude and intention setting for the year ahead.
Speaker 1:All right, let's go ahead and get into this, all right? So, shifting the belief that abundance is selfish. I want to start with this Abundance is not a limited pie. It's not one slice for you means that someone else gets less means that someone else gets less. The universe is limitless. Think about this. Even in the last 10, 20, 30 years. What once was thought impossible is possible. So let that sink in. The universe is limitless.
Speaker 1:So your desires, whether they're for more wealth, freedom, joy, love, they're divine nudges that you're ready for expansion, that you are ready for more. Holding yourself back doesn't serve you or anyone else. When you allow yourself to receive, you become an example of what's possible. You will inspire others to dream bigger too. It's not selfish, it is sacred. By stepping fully into your power it's a ripple effect You're going to impact those around you and then the community around you, and just envision that you light up and those around you light up, and then more and more and more. It just keeps going.
Speaker 1:Now here are some mindset shifts to help you step into abundance, abundance. So tip number one affirm and release the guilt. It is so important to recognize what you are feeling versus ignoring the feeling. Oftentimes we have been shamed that it's not okay to feel our feelings. Even joy at times is not okay. So it's important that you begin to recognize that you are feeling a certain way and avoid using logic to explain things away and really just feel with it. So by affirming and releasing the guilt it is, acknowledging the feeling, and then you allow yourself to process. So one of my favorite affirmations to help with this is also my abundance benefits everyone around me and when I receive more, I have more to give. So you can write that down, say it out loud and believe it Because, again, your success creates ripples of good. The more you have time, money, energy, the more you can share with others. So first, acknowledge right, acknowledge the guilt that you are feeling. I feel guilty because I already have blah, blah, blah. Or I feel guilty because I see my community suffering in X, y, z ways. After you process that, also recognize that you can feel guilty and also affirm right that your abundance benefits everyone around you and when you receive more, you have more to give and both realities can exist. It's important that we know that multiple realities can exist at once and the more that you are open to that, the more that you are more fluid and flexible and more abundance can come into your life.
Speaker 1:The tip number two kind of touched on this a little bit earlier. I want you to visualize the ripple effect that you having more, you having more abundance, you manifesting everything you are desiring is going to affect everyone around you. Everything you are desiring is going to affect everyone around you. So go ahead and close your eyes for a moment and imagine what having more looks like to you in your life More freedom to spend time with your family, more opportunities to give back to your community, more joy and energy to pour into loved ones. Take a breath with that. Take a breath in and feel that abundance. Feel yourself expanding. Now I want you to take it all in and see how your abundance benefits around you, and that's the ripple effect of it.
Speaker 1:The next tip, the next mindset shift that I want you to have, is reframing your thoughts around worthiness. How many times have you caught yourself saying who am I to have this? Or who am I to think I can have this? Acknowledge it. Acknowledge whatever feelings are coming up. Acknowledge it. Acknowledge whatever feelings are coming up. Maybe it's rooted in your childhood, maybe it's rooted in present day relationships. Wherever it comes from, acknowledge the feelings that it is stirring within you. You might even be able to feel where it can be stuck in your body. And maybe you can do some yoga movements, stretching, just to release that energy. And then, once you've done any movement that your body is asking you to do or any reflection that is needed, then I want you to flip that thought into who am I not to to have this? You are so inherently worthy because you exist. You don't have to prove it, you don't have to earn it, you don't have to justify it. Your desires are valid and you do not need anyone to validate them for you and just sit with that. It might make you uncomfortable to think I don't need anyone else to validate me, and that's okay. It's new, it's a new feeling, it's empowering. But it might be uncomfortable at first and that's okay. You can tell yourself, even though more abundance makes me feel uncomfortable, I still want it. I'm still calling it in Mindset.
Speaker 1:Shift number four. So tip number four take inspired action. This is where a lot of us kind of get stuck right. We'll do one, two and three. We'll work on affirming and releasing the guild. We'll visualize it, we'll reframe our thoughts but thoughts. But then it's time to take some action, and it can be so hard to get that momentum moving and going, because maybe there's been many times that you've tried to take in this stop and it feels like, oh, I don't want to be disappointed again, oh, I don't have time for this, or oh, the last time I did this it just went nowhere. Like who do I think I am to be trying to do all of these things? It's okay if you have failed before or if you have not been accountable to yourself before. That's okay, y'all.
Speaker 1:I just ran a half marathon a few weeks ago and I signed up like three weeks before, but this was my seven to eight half marathon and I knew that I could do it. Like my belief was a hundred percent, my desire was a hundred percent and I did it. Now let's rewind back to 2011. I didn't have any of that. I wanted to run a half marathon, but I didn't have the follow through. I had signed up, I think, in 2011 or 2012. I can't remember exactly.
Speaker 1:I trained for about six weeks and then life happened and then I missed like a week or two of training and I was just like, oh, I can't do this. Like it's been, I've already missed two weeks. I still had like six weeks to go or something, and so I didn't do it. I just stopped training and just ignored it, like I never signed up. And you know, then the next time around that I signed up, I showed up, I did my training. I didn't diligently, not even thinking about that. I had totally quit on myself. And this has happened to me in different aspects of my life, where I quit on myself and then just kind of ignore it. Of course I was a lot younger, so I didn't have any, and social media wasn't what it was. Now right, where people post and you can have that accountability. Or, you know, maybe you post and then just fade into the shadows. You know that happens too. So, and a lot of people don't share their failures, so I share that.
Speaker 1:To just say that failure is not the end. The end is when you stop trying, when you stop working on what you're wanting to manifest. So tip number four take inspired action. Manifestation happens when you align your thoughts, emotions and actions, or, the way I like to say it, when your desire and your belief are both aligned. Then you can start to take aligned action where you are vibrating in the frequency of the desire that you are wanting to bring in. So ask yourself what is one small step you can take today to bring yourself closer to the life you desire? And then take that step. It doesn't have to be big. It could be one small action that compounds over time.
Speaker 1:So, to take the example, I wanted to do this half marathon over just training in three weeks, and the first step was just me getting out there and running. Now I had already kind of been running, but not to the degree of being ready to run a half. I probably had run max three miles before I had signed up. But the first action that I did was I asked Chad GPT to create a three-week training plan for me, and then I did it. And sometimes that's what we have to do, right, find a resource, create a plan and then show up for your plan every day. All right.
Speaker 1:So now I wanna end this episode with a year end of the year reflection. So get ready, you can pause here, you can write down the questions, come back to it, you can listen to it however many times you want. So as we close out the year, it's a perfect time to pause, reflect, set intentions for the new year. So here are a few questions just to get the juices flowing. You can do some of the reflection and then do the intention setting later this month. The new moon in Capricorn, I believe, is on January 30th, january 30th what am I saying? The new moon in Capricorn is at the end of this month, in December, I believe, december 30th. So just look it up, new moon in Capricorn, and that's when, I would say, to set your intentions. So come back to the episode to kind of refresh that. But here here's some questions just to help you reflect on the end of the year.
Speaker 1:Question number one what are you most proud of this year? Celebrate yourself the progress you've made, no matter how small, and I'm sure you've done great things. But there's a part of you that just shrinks that and shrinks what you've done. Okay, next, what limiting beliefs or patterns are you ready to release? Maybe it's guilt, fear, scarcity, mindset. Write it down, write it down and then, if you want, create a letting go process, maybe a ritual, where you write down everything that you are going to let go and take that piece of paper and burn it. You can also take that piece of paper and put it into the ground and Mother Earth and you can dig a hole and put it in. I've done that before. I've actually really enjoyed that a lot, and that is a way to do some release work. Ask yourself what limiting beliefs or patterns are you ready to release? You can also listen to some of my podcast episodes as guidance. I'll link them in the show notes.
Speaker 1:Now number three what does abundance mean to you in this next season of life? Is it more time, more joy, more freedom? Get specific about what you are desiring. I love that question. What does abundance mean to you in this next season of life? For me right now, I would say more freedom. I just want to be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it, and that's why leaving my nine to five just felt so right for me.
Speaker 1:It's not always easy and I definitely would not recommend entrepreneurship to everyone, because you have to know the reason behind why you want it and some people want more money. In entrepreneurship, you have to work in your business a lot harder, because if you're not working on your business, your business is not growing. It's not like showing up to your nine to five and there's been a foundation and someone else is taking care of the money coming in and you're just getting paid. There's more to it coming in and you're just getting paid. There's more to it. So you have to know what you want. What kind of abundance do you want? More time, more joy, more freedom and some people still have freedom having their nine to fives. I didn't have the freedom I wanted. So I share that. Just to say like, just because entrepreneurship can seem glamorized at times, I want you to know like you can have all of these things with a nine to five and with an entrepreneurship as well.
Speaker 1:Okay, so question number four what inspired actions can you commit to that align with your vision for the new year? Remember, small steps create change. So take some time with these questions. Let them guide you as you step into the next chapter with clarity and intention. So that is it for today.
Speaker 1:I want to thank you so much for joining me today. I hope this episode reminds you that your abundance is sacred and that you are worthy of it in every single way possible. As you close out this season and the year, I want to thank each and every one of you for listening, supporting and growing alongside me. It has been such a gift to share this space with you. I'll be taking a short break to rest, reflect and prepare for the next season ahead. In the meantime, I encourage you to journal on today's reflection questions, revisit your intentions and trust that you are on the path to the life you desire. If this episode resonated with you, share it with a friend, leave a review, let me know on Instagram. I'd love to hear what abundance means to you. Until the next season, I am sending you all the love and light and abundance you deserve. Have a beautiful end to your year and remember you are worthy of it all. This is the Manifesting Latina podcast and I will see you next year.